Het lag al in de lijn der verwachting, zeker na het doorschuiven van de meubelbeurs in Milaan: ook de stoffenbeurs Proposte is doorgeschoven n.a.v het Corona virus. Oorspronkelijk stond de beurs gepland van 27 t/m 29 april. Een datum die recent nog werd bevestigd. Daarop werd ‘de situatie op dagelijkse basis bekeken, zowel intern als in internationaal perspectief.’ Veel air traffic naar Italie is de afgelopen periode geannuleerd. Door het tekort aan vluchten naar Italie zegt de organisatie ‘gedwongen’ te zijn tot het nemen van dit besluit. De vakbeurs in Como vindt nu plaats van 23 t/m 25 september.

In het persbericht wordt President van de beurs, Piercarlo Viganò, geciteerd. Een fragment uit het persbericht:

President Piercarlo Viganò explained the decision as follows: “We started with the common intention of confirming the April date to give a sign of positivity and continuity to the worldwide market. The situation has evolved on a day-by-day basis, both internally and internationally. The strong reduction in air traffic and the cancellations of flights to Italy ordered by some governments and airlines has led us to a forced choice. Therefore, we have decided to postpone the event to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to visit our exhibition in full tranquility and continue their business as usual. It is a decision we have taken for reasons of force majeure, but it is certainly the best solution for the 2020 edition of Proposte in this difficult year”.
The choice made by the Board of Proposte will therefore make it possible to give continuity to our international event devoted to furnishing fabrics and curtains and to allow exhibitors to present their collections to the traditional public of Proposte, that is made of a rich number of professional and qualified operators.
Please, continue to follow us on or social networks and on our website www.propostefair.it to be constantly updated with the latest news that Proposte will be reserving for you from now until September.”